Things I shared with my white friends who remained silent.

It’s ok to feel uncomfortable, horrified and utterly disgusted at the atrocious murder of a man, a black man by a white police officer. An officer who was hired to serve and protect. However, it’s not okay to remain silent on such a gross injustice. Being silent during this time is synonymous with being complicit, spiritually united to the hatred that took pride in taking a black man’s life. And for some of you I get that you’re seriously trying to figure out why you seem to be “unbothered” and it’s simple, the delight your ancestors took in killing slaves, taking pictures with a black person’s dead body is transgenerational too. Historical harm affects you too. However, today you can heal that hate transmitted through your generations by opening your mouth, having real discussions, educating yourself, speaking out against the inhumane treatment of African American Black people, acknowledging your frustration at why you really dislike seeing yet another #blacklivesmatter post. Be honest, get help, contribute, call your friends and call the politicians to make a change. And still, the healing & work is not done.