Great day! Worthshop Inc. supports healthy relationships and understands the challenges couples face. Noticing differences and experiencing uncomfortable feelings are natural after the courting and dating phase shifts to commitment.
We urge couples to see differences in thinking and personalities as recognizing individuality and gifts. You do not lose your personhood because you decide to share life together.

People are not objects, possessions or servants, but rather free-thinking, creative and awesome beings. Healthy relationships are not without learning curves, successful couples just decide to roll into the curve rather than go off the road. It’s not about who’s wrong or right, but what’s right and wrong. Remember lasting and fulfilling relationships allows each to be themselves. They do not bully or try to hold the other hostage, definitely not speak harshly to the other. Each person does say, “I’m sorry” when wrong or have been unfair or selfish.
You’re going to be tested, become tired and need to rest, but that does not mean checking out. Process issues fairly, choose to forgive in order to live, and affirm worth in what you have.
Ephesians 4:26 asserts that we should not go to bed angry with our spouse. Love, Love, Love, is the more excellent way🙌🏽